Public Open Spaces

Clarks Beach Golf Club Carpark

Clarks Beach Golf Club, Auckland

Client: Auckland Council
Completion: 2018
Services: Investigation, Detailed Design, Construction Supervision
Scope: 4,450m2 Full Carpark Renewal
Budget: $495,000 (Separable Portion of $1.7 Million Franklin Carpark Contract)

The Clarks Beach Golf Club Carpark was the largest carpark in the Stage 2 of the
Franklin Carpark Contract. During the design phase, test pits were undertaken to
determine the depth of the basecourse metal required. The initial tests indicated
between 150mm to 200mm of basecourse was required, however the scalar test
results varied throughout the site.

The final design of the carpark resulted in sufficient fall levels to avoid any ponding
and drainage issues. Urban Solutions maintained ongoing communication with
the contractor and undertook frequent site visits to provide a more suitable

Similar to Glenbrook Carpark, a prerequisite of the project was to ensure half
the carpark was available for use by the Golf Club at any time during the
construction. This process was carried out successfully, with the Golf Club very
appreciative of the final outcome.

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